Santa Cruz de Tenerife Allocates €13.1 Million for Homeless Support Services


The Executive Council of the Municipal Institute of Social Care (IMAS) in Santa Cruz de Tenerife approved the tender for a new contract dedicated to the comprehensive support of homeless individuals last Thursday. The allocated budget for this undertaking is 13.1 million euros, and it is set to last for three years, with the option to extend for an additional two years.

According to a statement from the City Council, this budgetary allocation includes a social investment of 2,474,004.08 euros for 2025; 2,547,101.06 euros for 2026, and in the subsequent year, 2,622,390.94 euros. The two potential extensions will contribute an additional 2,699,939.52 euros and 2,779,814.56 euros, respectively.

In this context, the councillor for this portfolio, Charín González, commended “the vital revisions in the new specifications, which incorporate services like the Cold Campaign, alongside the retention of the other services from the previous catalogue.”

However, he noted that “consideration has been given to extending the service of a social services assistant to 9 hours per day from Monday to Sunday for the Cold Campaign, estimated to last 92 days a year, approximately three months. Additionally, there will be 1 more hour per day of a social worker in supervised flats from Monday to Friday, alongside an extra 10 hours per week dedicated to cleaning staff.”

The catalogue features comprehensive services, which include reception services; social, educational, and psychological support; Day Centre (Mobile Outreach Unit, UMA); temporary accommodation services: Reception, Minimum Requirements, Supervised Flats, Cold Campaign Device; as well as internal and external laundry services; public shower service; cloakroom; lockers, and a hairdressing service.

From this standpoint, González acknowledged that “the following are regarded as supplementary services to the aforementioned: coordination service, administrative service, maintenance service, along with fuel supply service, cleaning service, and surveillance and security services.”

The physical locations for delivering these related services include the Municipal Reception Centre (CMA), situated at Calle Valle Inclán No. 15, or wherever deemed available; the Centre of Minimum Demand (CME), located throughout the municipality; supervised flats within the municipal area; the Cold Campaign, where its implementation is most suitable, and lastly, the Mobile Approach Unit (UMA), which will operate across the entire municipal territory.
