Tenerife Island Council Offers $1 Million in Grants for Commercial Renovations


The Tenerife Island Council has received a total of five hundred applications, specifically 497, for which an amount of 1,025,000 euros will be allocated via a grant programme aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Tenerife’s retail sector, through the refurbishment of premises and the enhancement of equipment.

The Minister for Trade and Business Support, Krysten Martín, emphasises in a statement that the main aim is “to assist self-employed individuals and micro-SMEs from various economic sectors in Tenerife during their journey of business modernisation, renewal, and consolidation, thereby contributing to the enhancement of their competitiveness.”

The majority of applicants for this funding are self-employed, followed by commercial and civil companies associated with retail and catering on the island, among other sectors, as highlighted by Martín.

This initiative also seeks to “support the productive landscape of Tenerife by undertaking projects that enhance energy efficiency, beautify the premises, as well as adapt and remove architectural barriers, and modernise furniture and external signage,” it states.

Martín further adds that “the funds allocated to this grant programme could be increased by 320,000 euros, bringing the total to 1,345,000 euros.”

The councillor stresses that “particular attention has been afforded to projects aimed at the transformation, modernisation, and enhancement of commercial establishments, with the objective of ensuring that these efforts lead to an improved consumer experience through initiatives that involve a more appealing product presentation, differentiated service offerings, the enhancement of the premises’ visual appeal, and all those initiatives that provide additional value and greater differentiation from a commercial perspective”.

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